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Heart & Stroke Voice Ireland

About us

Heart & Stroke Voice Ireland (HSVI) was founded in 2022 and is a patient/survivor and carer led alliance of those living with or affected by heart conditions and stroke in Ireland. It has formed under the auspices of Croí ( to provide a platform for the patient and carer voice and also to inform and support Croí’s national heart and stroke advocacy agenda under one of its key pillars of Advocacy and Empowerment.

The importance of an informed and empowered patient/survivor in self-care and self-management and its contribution to improved outcomes is well established. Equally the voice of lived experience is critically important to understanding the patient and carer journey and identifying unmet needs. Despite the scale and burden of cardiovascular diseases in Ireland, the voice of those affected or living with heart conditions has to-date been largely unorganised or disconnected. This is in sharp contrast to many other disease areas. Heart & Stroke Patient Voice aims to unite and develop this community and put the patient/survivor at the centre of their healthcare.

The key aims of HSVI are to connect and unite heart patients and stroke survivors; to highlight unmet patient/citizen needs in the area of heart health and stroke prevention & recovery; to provide a platform to develop the capacity and capability of the patient voice so that patients are recognised as equal stakeholders in their healthcare and to promote greater awareness and understanding of the need for equitable and timely access to quality treatment and care across the care journey.

The latest from Heart & Stroke Voice Ireland

Heart & Stroke Voice Ireland, is an initiative of Croí, the West of Ireland Cardiac and Stroke Foundation. Croí is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity (Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20016616.

As Heart & Stroke Voice Ireland has formed under the auspices of Croí, it’s governance is fully aligned with and falls under the governance of Croí. Croí is governed by a voluntary Board of Directors who meet regularly to oversee the work of the organisation. All directors give freely of their time and expertise in an unpaid voluntary capacity. The Board is comprised of directors from varied backgrounds, with expertise in among others, business, finance, management, medicine and law. Directors are appointed for a fixed term and their names are listed in the Croí annual audited accounts, annual report and on the Croí website

Croí has adopted and adheres to both the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising and the Governance Code for charities in Ireland.

Heart and Stroke Voice Ireland is led by a voluntary steering committee, chaired by a voluntary chairperson, who together coordinate the alliance which is a national network of those with lived experience. Patients/Survivors or Carers are welcome to join from anywhere in Ireland.
Croí provides secretariat support to HSV Ireland, which includes the management of day-to-day operations, coordinating meeting and events, providing administrative support, preparing reports and documents, finance management, and stakeholder liaison on behalf of the alliance. Croí’s Head of Patient and Community Engagement serves as the central point of contact and is responsible for ensuring that HSV Ireland operates effectively and efficiently.

Heart & Stroke Voice Ireland, respects privacy and is committed to ensuring that any personal information or data shared with it is collected legally and held securely and safely.




Our mission is to ensure the best possible outcomes for people living with or affected by heart conditions and stroke in Ireland by creating a community that advocates for, supports and empowers patients/survivors and their caregivers.



Our vision is to be the leading voice for the needs of those living with or affected by heart conditions and stroke in Ireland by ensuring that they are equal stakeholders in their healthcare.

A Welcome Message from our Chairperson

A Welcome Message from Croí's Head of Patient & Community Engagement

Advocacy - The Patient Voice to Patient Leadership

A functioning society relies on a healthcare system that cares about and values the people within it and is itself, valued and trusted by the people who use it. Within this system, your voice as a patient or a carer has value and when it is elevated and supported it can be a powerful catalyst for change.

Use your Voice for Change

Are you a patient or a loved one of someone living with or recovering from heart disease or stroke. Would you like to learn more about how you can use your voice as an agent for change by working with HSVI in partnership with a range of stakeholders, to improve access to things like diagnostics, medicines, rehab therapies and research.



To UNDERSTAND the Irish healthcare landscape from the perspective of heart & stroke patients/survivors and their carers, particularly with regard to equity and access to healthcare.
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To EMPOWER patients/survivors and their carers to be informed and active participants in their own healthcare.
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To support and STRENGHTEN the capacity and capability of the patient/survivor & carer voice as equal stakeholders in cardiovascular healthcare in Ireland. To ensure that the patient/survivor and carers voice is involved and engaged in healthcare service design and delivery, healthcare research & education and the medicines & medical devices lifecycle.
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To be the voice of lived experience and ADVOCATE for the needs of heart and stroke patients/survivors and their carers by identifying and highlighting pressing issues and advocating for innovative, equitable and optimal solutions
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Join Heart & Stroke Voice Ireland

If you would like to join the Heart & Stroke Voice alliance please complete the short form below
and one of our team will be in touch shortly.

Heart & Stroke Voice Ireland


Address: Moyola Lane, Newcastle Galway H91 FF68, Ireland


Heart & Stroke Voice Ireland

Address: Moyola Lane, Newcastle, Galway H91 FF68, Ireland




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