Public & Patient Involvement

Public & Patient Involvement (PPI) in research is a concept and practice that has grown rapidly in recent years. In the past, research was planned and conducted without the involvement of the public, the people who were living with the health conditions that were the subject of many research projects. PPI is a movement that advocates for research to be carried out ‘with’ or ‘by’ members of the public, rather than ‘to’, ‘about’, or ‘for’ them. PPI is a meaningful collaboration between researchers in many different disciplines and members of the public that aims to bring together the lived experience of the public in relation to health conditions and health services, and the skills needed to do high-quality research. Together we can do so much more to understand and solve problems than we can do apart.

The purpose of PPI in research in Croí is to guide and influence our involvement in research on topics related to cardiovascular disease, stroke, obesity and diabetes. This will ensure that we are involved in research on priority topics for our community members, that the research we are engaged in is carried out in a way that is acceptable to the target groups and to help ensure that the findings of our research activities will be useful and helpful.

Croí has been involved in research for many years and has always taken a stakeholder-led approach. PPI became embedded in Croí’s research activities more formally in 2019 through a partnership with the NUIG School of Psychology as part of an HRB Community Engaged Scholars Programme. The Croí PPI group currently has 6 members living with cardiovascular disease or stroke themselves or as a carer. The group meets every 4-6 weeks and provides input into a wide range of projects. The Croí PPI group brings a public perspective to the research Croí is involved in and to research conducted by researchers in relevant areas, and provides advice on many aspects of research projects including recruitment, data collection, analysis and the sharing of findings.

If you are a member of the public interested in finding out more about joining the Croí PPI Group, or a researcher who would like to partner with us, please contact

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