Croí MySláinte
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Croí MySláinte is a 12-week Virtual Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme.
The programme gives participants and families the information, support and advice needed to return to everyday life post a cardiovascular event. This programme is funded by the Government of Ireland’s Sláintecare Integration Fund 2019.
Throughout the programme, participants work with a team of healthcare professionals, including a Specialist Cardiovascular Nurse, Physiotherapist and Dietitian. They help support, motivate and empower participants to take control over their medical and lifestyle risk factors, so that people can live well with their cardiovascular condition. Our goal is to equip participants with the knowledge, skills and confidence to make changes to their lifestyle in a realistic way that can be sustained long-term.
Our report on the outcomes found that Croí MySláinte delivered significant health improvements for participants. Read the report now.
Stories from our MYSLÁINTE participants
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This project was funded by the Government of Ireland’s Sláintecare Integration Fund 2019, under Grant Agreement number 121 to support the delivery of services which focus on prevention, community care and integration of care across all health and social care settings.