Back To Fitness
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Being physically active is a vital step in reducing your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and a range of other health conditions. If you are living with a long-term condition, like heart disease, exercise is also an effective way to improve and maintain your health. Improving your aerobic fitness plays a significant role in helping to reduce cholesterol, manage weight and lower blood pressure Achieving the recommended physical activity targets will have a positive impact on your sleep, and quality of life, and will also help to manage stress levels. Aerobic exercise is any exercise that gets the heart pumping, e.g. brisk walking, biking or swimming.
The Croí ‘Back to Fitness’ Programme is a rolling 6-week programme which you can join at any time. Delivered by a Cardiac Physiotherapist/Physical Activity Specialist, this programme is specifically designed for all levels of fitness and age groups, it is ideal for anyone who has completed cardiac rehab or for those who would like to manage their cardiovascular risk factors such as raised cholesterol, blood pressure or diabetes.
This programme provides you with:
- Supervised group sessions, combining camaraderie with a great workout!
- Support to exercise to your own level of fitness
- An effective cardiovascular workout specific to your individual needs
- Advice and information from experienced cardiac exercise specialists
- Weekly heart rate monitoring and progress tracking
- Measurable improvement in your aerobic fitness levels, muscle strength, balance and cardiovascular risk factors
Fitness Assessment
To ensure that you achieve maximum benefit from Croí exercise classes we require you to complete a fitness assessment in advance of joining a class. Fitness assessments are conducted online using Zoom or at Croí Heart and Stroke Centre and will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. The cost is €30. If you have any concerns about completing the assessment online or have any difficulty covering the cost of the assessment, please do not hesitate to contact us.
To book your fitness assessment, please contact Croí:
Phone: 091 544310 | Email: