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Get Training For the Croí Night Run!
Congratulations! – you have taken the first step to a healthier lifestyle by signing up for the 8th Annual Croí Night Run/Walk/Jog. Not only will you be helping us lead the fight against heart disease and stroke, but you will also be making a positive change to your lifestyle! It has been proven that regular exercise assists with maintaining a healthy weight and lowers your risk of developing heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Engaging in regular, routine exercise will also contribute to positive changes in your mental health and overall well being.
So join our 10-week training programme to get you running, jogging or walking across the finish line![/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Where to start?
Our aim is to get you successfully across the finish line! You may be a total beginner or indeed you may have completed this challenge with us in the past. To meet everyone’s needs, we have developed two training programmes to suit your needs. The programme you choose depends on how you want to complete the 5 kilometers (jog/run or walk). The duration of both programmes is 10 weeks and will prepare you for the finishing line by gradually building up your ability week by week.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Let’s begin by setting your goal. The key is to set a realistic goal!
Would you like to:
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Training Programme 1 – run/jog:
Each week you will need to allocate 3 sessions per week, ideally having a day of rest in between allowing your muscles and joints to recover.
Click the table below to enlarge/print. [/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”14480″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” link=”https://croi.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Night-Run-2021-training-1.pdf”][vc_text_separator title=”Week 10 – Event Day, Oct 7th!” el_width=”60″][vc_column_text]Considerations:
- Always include a 10-15-minute warm-up of a light-intensity walk (feels comfortable, you can still hold a full conversation)
- A jog/run is at a speed faster than walking where both feet are not in contact with the ground at the same time.
- Always include a 10-minute cool-down walk at light intensity (feels easy, no shortness of breath and can have a conversation easily) at the end of each session incorporating some stretching into the cool-down.
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Training Programme 2 – walk:
Each week you will need to allocate 4 or 5 sessions per week, ideally having a rest day in between training days. See pace descriptions at the end of this page.
Click the table below to enlarge/print:[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”14483″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” link=”https://croi.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Night-Run-2021-Training-training-2.pdf”][vc_text_separator title=”Week 10 – Event Day, Oct 7th!” el_width=”60″][vc_column_text]Considerations:
- If you need to take a break, be sure to keep the feet moving to ensure a constant steady flow of blood around the body.
- Take a break during the walks only if needed.
- At the end of each session, always include a 10-minute cool-down walk at pace: light, incorporating some upper body and lower body stretches into the cool-down.
Pace Descriptions
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- Walk/Run with a friend or family member as you can motivate each other.
- Wear comfortable footwear ideally a running shoe that has some support around the heel and cushioning underneath.
- Always keep hydrated during your sessions and throughout the day (aim for at least 2/2.5l of water throughout the day, build up to this over time).
- Plan for rainy days, if you don’t wish to get wet, plan on training indoors when it’s raining outside (a treadmill can be used or an indoor track) however, if you have never experienced a walk/jog/run in the rain you may be surprised how reviving it is (ps. just wear your raincoat).
- To prevent injury, it is essential to warm-up and cool-down. A warm-up of a walk for 10-15 minutes at a light pace will help warm-up the muscles, open your arteries and prepare you for the exercise session and a 10 minute cool-down, incorporating some stretches will help you cool-down.
- Include rest days between sessions but if this is not possible just listen to your body as the week’s progress.
- Sometimes it is common to experience calf pain or pain in the shins the day after the session, if this occurs, apply a cold press for 15-20 minutes.
- If you miss a day or week, do not fall off the wagon, start working from where you left it.
- This programme is designed to ensure you will be able to complete your walk/jog/run even if you miss a week.
- Print off your training programme and have it somewhere where it is at eye-view (e.g. on the door of your fridge) so you can mark off each week as you complete the sessions and track your progress.
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Special thanks to our sponsor,
Irish Life Health.
Special thanks to our media partner, iRadio