Croí Night Run Training


Congratulations! – you have taken the first step to a healthier lifestyle by signing up for the 10th Annual Croí Night Run/Walk/Jog, taking place on Friday, October 11th, 2024. Not only will you be helping us lead the fight against heart disease and stroke, but you will also be making a positive change to your lifestyle! It has been proven that regular exercise assists with maintaining a healthy weight and lowers your risk of developing heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Engaging in regular, routine exercise will also contribute to positive changes in your mental health and overall well being. 

So join our 6-week training programme to get you running, jogging or walking across the finish line!

Let’s begin by setting your goal. The key is to set a realistic goal!

Would you like to:

Jog/run the 5km or Walk the 5km?


Each week you will need to allocate 3 sessions per week, ideally having a day of rest in between allowing your muscles and joints to recover.

Click the table below to enlarge/print. 


Each week you will need to allocate 3 sessions per week, ideally having a day of rest in between allowing your muscles and joints to recover.

Click the table below to enlarge/print:

Training Considerations

  • Both Programmes allow for a gradual increase in intensity from week one, but fitter participants may jump in at week 2 or 3 if desired.
  • Aim for 3 sessions per week with at least 1 rest day in between for recovery.
  • Cross training can be included between run/walk days such as swimming or cycling (those using the Run program may use gentle walking on days off).
  • Two resistance training sessions should be included each week to prevent injury.
  • A Fast / Gentle walk is included in each program, this does not include 10 minutes warm up using dynamic movements and stretches, and 10 minute cold down using static stretches.
  • Training days could be Monday, Wednesday and Friday etc or Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday or tailored to individual.
  • Tracking using a phone, app or watch is useful recording progress and motivation.

Thank you to Mark O’Malley, Croí Class instructor and founder of Wilder Wellbeing for creating this training plan.

If you are interested in joining Mark’s running club to train for the Croí Night Run please contact

 The club meets on a Tuesday at 6:30pm in Dangan, Galway.


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