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What do you do to keep your heart healthy?

This World Heart Day, we want everyone to understand what they can do to fuel their hearts and power their lives. Your heart is at the heart of your health. And it’s easy to give it the care it deserves.

Just a few simple steps such as eating more healthily, cutting down on alcohol and stopping smoking can improve your heart health and your overall well-being.

Croi are asking you to send us your heart healthy pictures. It can be an activity picture, walking the dog, climbing a mountain or weeding in the garden, sports groups, colleagues, groups of friends no age limit doing what they do to keep themselves fit and healthy. It could simply be picture of your breakfast of porridge and blueberries, your lunchtime salad, or your glass of water!

Send your pictures via social media using the hashtag #HeartHealth #WorldHeartDay.

Twitter @croicharity

Facebook: Croi Heart and Stroke or


The best picture as voted by our health team wins a fitbit! Its that easy – a bit like looking after your heart health!!


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