Resistance Training At Home

Check out our NEW resistance exercise home workout routine!

To begin strengthening your muscles you need to engage in resistance training. This involves performing a series of exercises where you lift a weight that you are unaccustomed to for a specific amount of repetitions. This type of training can provide significant functional benefits and improvements in overall health and well-being. These improvements include: increased bone density, improved muscle mass and joint function, reduced potential for injury, increased metabolism and improved cardiac function.

As with aerobic exercise there is a set FITT guideline to bring about the above physical outcomes.

Frequency (How many days per week do I need to engage in this type of exercise)
2-3 days/week

Intensity (How hard do I need to be working when I’m doing my muscle strengthening exercise)
Moderate* intensity

Time (How long should a muscle strengthening session last for)
Approx. 30-40 minutes – complete 8-10 exercises per set and aim to complete 2-4 sets.

Type (Examples of muscle strengthening exercise)
Resistance exercises like the ones in our Resistance Training at home booklet.

*It is important that you perform your muscle strengthening exercises at a moderate intensity. In this instance, moderate intensity refers to the amount of times you can lift a weight during an exercise. Ideally you want to select a weight for each exercise that you can lift 12 times. If you can easily perform 15 repetitions of an exercise, the weight is low intensity and not enough of a challenge to strengthen your muscles. Likewise if you struggle to perform 8 repetitions, the weight is high intensity and not appropriate. You can download our Resistance Training at home booklet which will explain this is a little more detail.

Please read page 8 of our Resistance Training at Home booklet for important general instructions for resistance training at home.

Disclaimer for online videos: Performing these exercises is at your own risk. Croí cannot be held responsible or liable for any injury or harm incurred while exercising using the online resources provided on our website. Those unaccustomed to exercise or with special health considerations should consult their medical practitioner before performing any exercise.

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